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Stephanie Ettmeier
Brüning’s Austerity Policies of the Early 1930s Intensified the Economic Slump and Increased Unemployment | with Alexander Kriwoluzky
June 2022
September 2021
Europa auf dem Weg zur Fiskalunion: Investitionen stärken statt Entschuldung vorantreiben | with Alexander Kriwoluzky, and Fabian Seyrich
radioeins rbb Podcast |HERBST 1929 – SCHATTEN ÜBER BABYLON
Interview on Germany's economic situation in 1929, several episodes
October 2020
May 2020
Financial Market Participants Expect the Coronavirus Pandemic to Have Long-Lasting Economic Impact in Europe | with Chi Hyun Kim, Alexander Kriwoluzky
Economic policy and financial market expectations during COVID-19 | with Chi Hyun Kim, Alexander Kriwoluzky
April 2020
June 2019
Mehr Ökonominnen braucht das Land! Kommentar | with Kerstin Bernoth, Franziska Bremus, Geraldine Dany-Knedlik
Mehr Ökonominnen braucht das Land! | with Kerstin Bernoth, Franziska Bremus, Geraldine Dany-Knedlik
June 2019
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